Aha yes, the Freelancing Blues! For which I must say that you are not truly a freelancer yet if you haven't suffered from the blues :)
Every freelancer, whether you are a writer, painter, designer or do anything that can be freelanced, has suffered from the freelancing blues every once in a while. But mostly it's the artistic writers and painters who are known to suffer from these blues more often. From depression to self-obsession and stress, freelancers are prone to suffer from any of these when they have nothing to do. If you are a victim of the 'nothing to do', then you need to know about the 'where from' and 'how to' bring in the light in order to fight the blues. So read on and get inspired...
9 Surefire Ways to Fight the Freelancing Blues:
Take a Vacation: A vacation is a good thing when you have nothing to do. In fact, it's a great thing! Plan a vacation with friends or family. Go on an adventure trip or plan a getaway to a romantic hideout, whatever your interest maybe. A good long vacation will help you relax and help you de-stress.
Get Entertained: Catch up on some funny sitcoms (there are so many good ones out there these days), go out with your friends on a movie date or just rent a movie and enjoy as your blues start to fade away.
Read a Book: If you were ever an avid reader or enjoy reading then now is the time to pick up a good book and start that reading habit. Reading not only takes you into a whole new world but also helps fight away the depression that just might be lurking in the corner.
Socialize and Party: Perhaps your freelancing work kept you too occupied for months and you never got to go out with your friends like the way you wanted. Now that you have nothing to do, it's probably best to spend some quality time with your friends. Plan a get-together or throw a party, whatever you do just enjoy yourself and understand that this free time won't last forever.
Volunteer: Time on your hand must be well spent, lest it is wasted. Join some volunteer program or help the community by joining a community program. No only is this self satisfying but will earn you some blessings as well.
Develop a New Talent: There must be something that you wanted to do? Perhaps you want to learn how to fish or horseback riding? Maybe you have always wanted to learn how to paint or do some creative writing? Or perhaps you wanted to know how to design a website for work purposes? Now is a good time to start! You have time in hand so don't just sit there thinking what to do, join a course and learn a new trick today.
Exercise or Meditate: Meditation helps fight stress and exercise will not just help you stay fit but will also make you feel good about yourself. Take out time for yourself now that you have time on your hand and explore new horizons.
Spend time with your Family: Go out on that shopping trip that you have been long planning with your sister, spend hours talking with your mother, go on a long walk with your father and hang out with your brother. Try making up for all those times that you missed out on your family because of work perhaps. They will appreciate it and so will you. Oh and don't forget your family pet (if you have one), do spend some quality time grooming or playing with it. It's all for the best.
Catch up on that Lost Sleep: It's not like you lose a lot of sleep if you only freelance but sometimes working on crazy schedules and meeting deadlines can lose you a bit of that sleep you so desire. Now would be a good time to catch up on that lost sleep. Doze off to slumber land and sleep long hours but don't overdo it lest it turns into something as dangerous as hypersomnia. Just remember not to leave out on all the important things in life while you're at it!
Which reminds me... I'll go catch up on that well-deserved sleep as well. Just a good eight hours and then I'm ready to think of some more creative ways of spending these work-less days ;)
Until next time... keep fighting those unnecessary freelancing blues!
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