1) hooked to freelancing,
2) still has me hooked after all this time and
3) makes me think twice about going for a 9-5 job again.
Here's why I decided to stick to Freelancing:
1) Comfortable Week Plan: Allows me to work as I want and when I want. I sometimes spend 3 continuous days working and give myself off for 2 days or work every alternate day or however I desire. The best part is that I make my own schedule and can give myself long weekends after tiresome projects.
2) Coz I'm the Boss, that's why!: Best part about freelancing is of course being your own boss. But this isn't just as easy as it sounds. Unless you are willing to take responsibility for your own actions, nag yourself about deadlines and keep yourself up to the mark... freelancing just isn't for you. And sure it has it's down side too but to be honest, if handled well, freelancing is the best job in the world. Because you don't work for some company, you get no office politics, you can create your own leisure time etc etc.
3) It's My Way or the Highway: I not only get to choose what projects I take but also decide how much I charge, when I socialize, make time for myself and do as I please because I have the authority to have it my way.
4) Enjoy Work: If you have a flair for what you do and can have things your way, then freelancing is the way to go. And why not? Give or take a few things it all comes down to the fact that freelancing offers you a relaxed schedule and much peace of mind. No matter what time of the day or what season, with freelancing you get to enjoy every weather and every time of the day. No more 9 - 5. You can work at whatever hours suit you well.
So there you have it... my basic reasons for sticking with freelancing after all this time and despite other possibilities. Although I've summed it all up in just 4 points, all this rant about generally comes down to the 'sense of control' you feel when you're in-charge. Even though sometimes you end up working over 40 hours a week but in the end it's all worth it as you make your own choices and no one gets to boss you around expect you! ;)
1 comment:
Now these are some really good reasons to stick to freelancing and being your own boss is the best advantage...calling myself a "Boss" makes me feel good ;)
Thanks for sharing your views and now I plan to ask my blog readers: "Why thay stuck to freelancing?"
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