And with today's post I intend on continuing the list of seemingly covert tactics that are generally ignored and are quite capable of leading any Landing page to an instant death.
Given below are 7 more Instant Landing Page Killers:
1. Obnoxious Forms: Quite obvious you might think... think again. When it comes to the contact form, most people tend to overlook this fact and end up asking potential clients a hoard of questions in the first go. Results... the potential customer runs away... clearly scared of the interrogation. Perhaps people do so in order to gain quality leads. But is it really worth it? No it isn't! Instead of asking too many questions in your contact form, make sure that you ask a few 'specific' questions only and leave the rest for later.
2. Unclear Contact Form Response: Another major aspect that many tend to overlook is stating the response time to the customer and being more specific about how you will be contacting them. Both are important. Customers who fill up your forms expect to know When they will be contacted and How. So don't keep them assuming. State it clearly, it will only work to your advantage.
3. Unnecessary Navigation: Make sure that the links of your website provided on the Landing page are specific to the services or products you are offering there. If the links are referring to other services or unnecessary pages of your website, the chances are that the client will get distracted and navigate elsewhere on your website. Result... Quite obviously you will end up losing the client.
4. Info Overdose: Yes we all know that landing pages should have a simple layout, easy navigation, lighter images and relevant content. And many of us constantly obsess over these overt issues more when creating a landing page. But did you know that relevant content doesn't mean cramming up information regarding your services/products on one page only? If you have a lot to say then its always wise to cut down the things and make separate landing pages for each new thought.
5. Self-Praise: Benefits of your services or products must be cleverly stated on a landing page and should address the problems of the customers rather than praising what you do and how you do it. A landing page that poses a question derived directly from a possible problem of clients is likely to gain more attention than loads of praise about your services/products.
6. Float Gloat: Sometimes people end up keeping the contact form or the special offers in a float only, which tends to pop up soon after the landing page is uploaded. Most of the times visitors close these floats without giving them a second thought and get deprived of those special offers. Sure it doesn't hurt much to have a pop-up float once in a while but try and provide the same info on the landing page as well.
7. Industry Specific: It's good to keep content relevant to the industry your business is related too. But if the content is too specific, so specific that it becomes readable for only the high class professionals, then chances are that you will lose many potential customers. Also, it gives to simply, yet cleverly, state your services and to possibly compare and contrast the major points. It really doesn't hurt to specify a couple of things that you are offering and your competitors are not.
The list can obviously continue when it comes to covert killer tactics, as it would if we speak in terms of the overt. However, the moral of the story is to think smart when creating a landing page for your website. Its important to keep all elements clear-cut and not to get overwhelmed by it. Just try a couple of things and see what works best for you! ;)
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