They say that Facebook is "purposefully obscuring their processes, making it harder for spammers to get into their system". Unfortunately, by doing so they are also creating trouble for many innocent Facebook users out there who get caught, every now and then, in this web nightmare.
While many people do receive warning notices before their accounts are shut down, some are not even given that honor. Most complains against Facebook these day revolve around accounts being 'permanently disabled' without any notification. Sad part is that those who complain to Facebook or write to them on any of their help address are not getting any answers from the FB authorities.
We ponder as to why that is? Although Facebook supposedly provides a help center, apparently it's either not sufficient enough to deal with all the emails they get on a regular basis or they just plain ignore these requests (or so it seems).
Anyways, all that said, if you are one of those people whose Facebook account has been disabled all of a sudden without any prior notice, here's a list that you might want to consider.
10 Things that can get you Kicked Off Facebook... Permanently:
1. Using Fake Name or Persona: Turns out that FB authorities can find out if you don't use your real name and use a nickname or initials instead. Also those who show themselves as something other than a human... Dogs, cats and things are so not welcome by Facebook:s
2. Too many Friends: Think about it... you don't need to add just about everyone as a friend. Keep under the maximum limit of 5000 friends.
3. Posting too many Messages: Be it your wall or someone else's, if you're sending out too many messages you can translate as a spammer. Beware!
4. Joining too many Groups: Apparently that is an offense. Maximum limit is 200 groups per user, crossing this number will get you in trouble for sure.
5. Poking too many People: Avoid this! Especially if there are applications that poke people on your behalf. That's counted as spam and you will have your account shut down!
6. Under 18?: If you are under 18, chances are that your account might get suspended without prior notice.
7. Creating Offensive Content: Posting offensive content on your or anyone else's wall or in a group will have your account permanently disabled and perhaps without any prior notice too.
8. Using Duplicate text in Multiple Messages: Don't copy/paste one message for several people. This is an offense!
9. Plagiarizing off Facebook: Turns out that Facebook has a zero tolerance policy. If you copy anything from their pages you are likely to get kicked off FB. Although they don't have a reliable way of proving it's you who's doing the scraping, an IP matching is probably good enough for them. So be very careful!
10. Advertising applications on Wall Posts: This isn't taken as self promotion, it's down right annoying and definitely considered a good enough reason for disabling your account.
If your Facebook account has been disabled for any strange reason you must email to the FB authorities on one of the following addresses:
- disabled@facebook.com
- appeals@facebook.com
- info@facebook.com
We're hoping you'd get an answer. *Fingers Crossed*